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Товарные знаки

  • Fiebing's
  • Kenda Farben
  • Giardini
  • CT Point
  • La Bretagne
  • Tempesti
  • Alcantara
  • La Perla Azzurra

Мы предлагаем

EcoSAR 116, 0,5 kg
Категория: Kлей




The new MAXCRAFT leather dye is the latest development made by GIARDINI GROUP and it represents a big qualitative leap in the dye for natural leather world.


This dye has been developed specifically for the application on natural veg. or chrome tanned leathers, but it can also be applied on some finished leathers.


The main features are the easy application and the color uniformity of the leather surface even after several applications. The application must be carried out with a soft cloth, a sponge or a dauber and once applied, the product usually dries in 5-10 minutes, depending on the environmental conditions.


The MAXCRAFT Leather Dye uses a water based technology so not toxic, that makes the product eco-friendly and without strong odors. The product is available in a range of 30 ready-to-use colors that can be mixed together.


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