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About us


Natural leather – incredible material. Like thread between live and inanimate nature, prevents a break from natural change cycle, on a spiral of the lasting household development, testifies to an entire organic origin and the same end.

Goods of leather are unique. They definitely declaration life, warm, naturalness…

They are resistant to long ordeal – can’t wear, but physiological get older, eventually becoming alike people with wide life experience…
They are – true security and comfort guarantee, never resistant to a kitsch and mass production that is peculiar for modern the impregnated industry speed.
They – magnificent, long-lived, seductive, giving confidence, unshakable to daily changing fashionable tendencies – always in fashion.
They – a reference to good taste, positive snobbery, high standards, there is a desire to touch, carry, have…

UAB "Arenalis" established in 1996. Main activity – wholesales of various natural skins and hides. We deliver skin from the different countries of the world – Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany, Turkey, Poland and China. In our assortment are various destination products of genuine leather which are for: clothes, furniture, cars, haberdashery and footwear.

Because of growth and variety client’s needs we supplement the range of the delivered production all the time.

We constantly cooperate with the largest and the most reliable producers of leather clothes, furniture and haberdashery. Our partners are also smaller producers of motor shows, sewing, footwear and furniture repairmen, various fashion and interior designers.

Our aim – to deliver for clients separate materials and also provide the qualified information about them. Delivering to clients especially qualitative products, we try to reach the best combination of the price and quality. We offer clients the real values, which special properties – naturalness and long-lived!

We are glad to the existing clients and always look for new. If you are not yet our client, we hope that soon you will be. We invite all to mutually useful cooperation!

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